various K-12 comics- Displacement, Smile, Class Act, Snapdragon

Schedule and Readings

Participants enjoyed a packed 14-day schedule (16-day total, counting arrival and departure). Each day of the institute included activities such as 75-minute guest-lectures, guided research in comics, lesson planning (workshopping in break-out groups and solo), experience in comic creation, and exploration of the comics industry at Comic-Con. In week one, morning sessions focused on content (lectures by local experts) and afternoon sessions emphasized hands-on lesson planning. That hands-on workshopping of lesson planning continued into week two, with time set aside for sharing those plans and getting feedback on them from organizers and fellow participants. The final four days of the workshop included attending San Diego Comic-Con International (SDCC), and the Comic Arts Conference which takes place at the convention. The institute sponsored a panel at SDCC’s Comic Arts Conference on which several participants in the institute shared a lesson plan they created during the institute and their experience developing it. 

What follows is the schedule-at-a-glance of lectures and activities over the course of two weeks.  Readings were shared with participants via the Canvas site for the Institute. 

All events took place in Love Library 430/431 (4th Floor) unless otherwise noted.

Schedule at a Glance

Sunday, 14 July

  • Participants arrive and check in to their lodgings.

Monday, 15 July

  • 8:00AM - 9:00AM: Coffee and pastries will be available
  • 9:00AM - 10:15AM: Elizabeth Pollard (SDSU) - Overview of the Institute and modeling a lesson on How to Read a Comic
  • 10:30AM - 11:30AM: Pamela Jackson (SDSU) - Introduction to SDSU Library Comics Collection (overview of comics that may be of interest to participants, peek at the YA collection, tour of current exhibit: “Rising Up: Depictions of Social Protest in Comics”) 
  • 11:45AM: FIELD TRIP! Meet at Hardy Ave & Campus Green Rideshare location to travel to Balboa Park/Comic-Con Museum
  • 11:45AM - 1:00PM: Lunch on your own or possibly a hosted picnic/box lunch at Balboa Park - stay tuned while we work our magic! 
  • 1:00PM - 3:00PM: Emily Schindler (Comic Con Museum Education Coordinator) - Introduction to Educational Programming at the Comic-Con Museum 
  • 3:00PM - 4:00PM: Discussion & Needs/Goals Assessment
  • 4:00PM: Rideshare back to SDSU

Tuesday, 16 July

  • 9:00AM - 10:15AM: Elizabeth Pollard (SDSU) - Comics and Social Justice (from the Paleolithic to Today!) 
  • 10:30AM - 11:45AM: Betsy Gomez (ALA Office of Intellectual Freedom - via Zoom) - Comics as Banned Literature 
  • 11:45AM - 1:00PM: Lunch on Your Own
  • 1:00PM - 2:15PM: Michael Dominguez (SDSU - via Zoom) - Comics and Race 
  • 2:30PM - 3:45PM: Moni Barrette (Creators Assemble!) - Comics and Public Libraries: Challenges, Possibilities, and Resources

Wednesday, 17 July

  • 9:00AM - 10:15AM: Ajani Brown (SDSU) - Super Black: The Politics of Representation in Comics 
  • 10:30AM - 11:45AM: Desmond Hassing (SDSU) - Native American Representation in Comic Books and Graphic Arts 
  • 11:45AM - 1:00PM: Lunch on Your Own
  • 1:00PM - 3:00PM: Katie Sciurba (SDSU / University of Georgia) - Overview of Comics Lesson-Planning - What Works and What Doesn’t?

Thursday, 18 July

  • 9:00AM - 10:15PM: Jess Whatcott (SDSU) - Queering Comics and Graphic Novels 
  • 10:30AM - 11:45AM: Bill Nericcio (SDSU) - Chicanx Comix: Community, Storytelling, and Social Justice 
  • 11:45AM - 1:00PM: Lunch on Your Own
  • 1:00PM - 3:00PM: Workshop - Lesson Plan Planning (Explore participants’ discipline- and grade-specific content standards for incorporation of comics content) - Overview by Beth Pollard and work in break-out groups guided by Katie Sciurba

Friday, 19 July

  • 9:00AM - 12:00PM: Mark Habegger (Little Fish Comic Book Studio) - Making Comics 
  • 12:00PM - 1:00PM: Lunch on Your Own
  • 1:00PM - 3:00PM: Workshop - Lesson Plan Drafting - Work in break-out groups guided by Katie Sciurba

Saturday, 20 July

  • 8:45AM: FIELD TRIP! Meet at Hardy Ave & Campus Green Rideshare location to travel to Little Fish Comic Book Studio
  • 9:00AM - 12:00PM: Visit Little Fish Comic Book Studio (see teachers in action with K-12 artists and writers; experiment with comic creation) 
  • Afternoon: Rest / Process / Independent work on lesson-planning

Sunday, 21 July

  • Rest / Process / Independent work on lesson-planning / Explore San Diego on your own (Please note, it is the last day of San Diego Pride in Balboa Park for those interested; this may also impact traffic, rideshares and public transportation in terms of crowds)

Monday, 22 July

  • 9:00AM - 10:15AM: Van Tarpley (SDSU) - Comics and Displaced Peoples
  • 10:30AM - 11:45AM: Brad Kirkegaard (SDSU) - Religion and Comics 
  • 11:45AM - 1:00PM: Lunch on Your Own
  • 1:00PM - 1:45PM: Participant meeting with Victoria Sams (NEH Grant Officer)
  • 2:00PM - 3:25PM: Workshop - Lesson Plan Drafting - Work in break-out groups guided by Katie Sciurba
  • 3:30PM - 4:00PM: Comic-Con Game Plan and Q&A 

Tuesday, 23 July

  • 9:00AM - 12:30PM: Share Your Draft Lesson Plans - 13 Participants share with one another drafts of their lesson plans and get feedback (15 minutes each, for sharing and feedback) 
  • 12:30PM - 1:30PM: Lunch on Your Own
  • 1:30PM - 4:30PM: 12 Share Your Draft Lesson Plans - Participants share with one another drafts of their lesson plans and get feedback (15 minutes each, for sharing and feedback)

Wednesday, 24 July

  • 9:00AM - 10:30AM: Interviews with SDSU Videographer about your institute experience (TBD, for those willing)
  • 10:30AM - 11:30AM: Pamela Jackson - History of Comic Con and the Comic Con Kids 
  • 11:30AM - 4:00PM: Lunch on Your Own, Trolley to Downtown (exit Gaslamp Quarter), Badge Pick-Up, Explore Gaslamp
  • 4:00PM - 6:00PM: Teaching with Comics Workshop - Meet at the Shiley Special Events Suite, 9th floor, San Diego Central Library 
  • 6:00PM - 9:00PM: Comic-Con Preview Night at the Convention Center

Thursday, 25 July

  • 9:30AM - Your Personal Limit: Comic-Con - Participants attend sessions of their choice at Comic-Con  
  • 5:00PM  - 6:00PM: OUR PANEL! Just Wrapped: NEH K-12 Institute - Using Comics to Teach Social Justice - Meet at the Shiley Special Events Suite, 9th floor, San Diego Central Library
  • Optional Meet-up at 6:30PM (on-site at Comic-Con) to discuss what participants saw and how they’ll use it in lesson planning! Location TBA

Friday, 26 July

  • 9:30AM - Your Personal Limit: Comic-Con - Participants attend sessions of their choice at Comic-Con  
  • Optional Meetup Time/Location TBA (check WhatsApp) to discuss what participants saw and how they’ll use it in lesson planning!

Saturday, 27 July

  • 9:30AM - Your Personal Limit: Comic-Con - Participants attend sessions of their choice at Comic-Con  
  • Optional Meetup Time/Location TBA (check WhatsApp) to discuss what participants saw and how they’ll use it in lesson planning!

Sunday, 28 July 

  • 9:30AM - 5:00PM: Comic-Con - Participants attend sessions of their choice at Comic-Con and Comic Arts Conference 
  • 5:30PM - 6:30PM: Meetup/Wrap-up and Institute Evaluation by participants before departure (Location TBA)

By the end of July 2024, participants will submit to organizers (Pollard and Jackson) their final lesson plans which will be reviewed, collated, and shared on a public-facing website for educators nationwide to adapt for their own use. By December 2024, the website for the lesson plans will be fully launched and promoted. 

If you have questions not answered by the materials on this website, please contact [email protected].